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Cannabis Can Reduce Brain Damage

Cannabis can reduce brain damage

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Alcohol abuse can lead to permanent harm brain, but a new study shows that cannabis can be able to prevent this.

In a post last week in the journal Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, scientists from the University of Kentucky and Maryland concluded that a chemical of her Cannabis, Cannabidiol (CBD), could be used for to repel alcohol-induced brain damage.

They hope the findings will bring them closer to developing one preventive treatment for patients suffering from alcoholism.

“These results justify further preclinical development transdermal CBD for the treatment of due neurodegeneration in alcohol “.

Like THC, CBD is another chemical found in Cannabis, but CBD is not psychoactive. However both chemicals are powerful antioxidants, one feature that the authors believe is responsible for reduction of alcohol-induced brain damage.

It has been suggested that the neuroprotective effects of CBD that observed in cases of   during heavy alcohol consumption, due to its high antioxidant capacity “.

The authors also note that CBD has stronger antioxidant activity than many known antioxidants, such as BHT and α-tocopherol (vitamin E).

In the new study, researchers looked at CBD treatment in rats using both the percutaneous method (skin patch) and the intraperitoneal (normal injection) method. Both methods appeared to produce “similar amounts of neuroprotection” – about 50%, depending on their analysis.

“It’s interesting. This study showed that transdermal and Intraperitoneal administration of CBD produced similar amounts neuroprotection “.

Although further studies are needed before human trials can begin, researchers say that while there are treatments for alcoholism, none have yet been able to target the neurodegenerative effects of alcohol.

Neurodegenerative effects are believed to contribute to alcohol dependence by altering behavior control and decision making.

Studies show that about 8.5% of the US population may be addicted to alcohol, suggesting that many may benefit from this new treatment.

The study was published before publication and was funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, and the Kentucky Society for Science and Technology.


Note : All articles published here refer to information on all cannabinoids, but in Greece access to THC (D9-tetrahydrocannabinol) is not possible, which is not yet legal in our country.

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